Vilmorin-Mikado confirma su liderazgo con el 2º Simposio Internacional de Zanahoria


As the exclusive sponsor as a seed company of the 2nd International Carrot Symposium hold in Poland in September 2018, Vilmorin-Mikado took pride in welcoming more than 250 participants from 5 continents for scientific and technical conferences and an exceptional day, including carrot expo, product demonstration, experts presentations and carrot food show.



02_Taro_Takagi.jpgDuring 3 days, Vilmorin-Mikado demonstrated all its expertise in carrot through various conferences. Amongst them, Laure Barrot, our Senior Carrot Breeder, presented a significant and innovative approach to combat the cyst nematodes Heterodera carotae. As the best partner for the carrot chain, Vilmorin-Mikado also presented new partnerships for the preservation of the genetic resources and approaches for health benefits, with the contribution of Taro Takagi, Senior Carrot Breeder.


As the high point of the event, Vilmorin-Mikado hosted a Field Day with a carrot Expo, technical spots and a food show where all the participants had the opportunity to discover our wide and original range of carrot (Attilio, Bolero, Gold Nugget, Maestro, Melodio, Verano, Extremo, Olimpo, Soprano, Octavo, Volcano...).


Emi_Mitobe.jpgOur team of experts were available and many clients had the chances to exchange with the Breeding teams, the Seed Technology and the Quality Control experts. Finally, the food show area, in presence of our Japanese vegetable sommelier, gave a taste of our best products to the participants.

An interesting occasion to talk about segmentation, health benefits and vegetable cooking.




Once again, Vilmorin-Mikado, your global carrot expert, demonstrated its expertise and the know-how of its teams during this successful event. We keep contributing to find the best solutions to the new agronomic and environmental challenges with research innovations and new efforts on health and taste.

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